workers compensation lawyers in Auburn, Geneva, Ithaca and Penn Yan New York

Common Workplace Accidents Covered by Workers’ Comp in New York

Lisa BabiarzNews, Personal Injury & Workers Compensation

At our law firm, we recognize the vital role of New York’s workers’ compensation system as a safety net for employees who suffer job-related injuries or illnesses. While New York statistics show a lower incidence rate of workplace accidents compared to the national average, it remains crucial for both employees and employers to understand the types of accidents that are …

Do not rush to sign any documents if you think you have a Workers Compensation case

If you are injured, do not rush to sign away your rights!

Lisa BabiarzEmployment Law, News, Personal Injury & Workers Compensation

According to worker’s compensation lawyers, there are a lot of mistakes to be made after an accident or injury. From not going to the hospital right away to admitting fault, worker compensation law firms have seen it all. Experienced worker’s compensation attorneys Littman and Babiarz have one piece of advice for those who have a potential claim: If you are …

disability lawyers in Auburn and Syracuse New York

Employee vs Independent Contractor, How NY Workers Compensation Impacts Each

Lisa BabiarzNews

The relationships between employers and employees and that between employers and independent contractors pose significant differences under New York law. This is important when considering whether or not an employer must obtain workers’ compensation insurance coverage for workers. While this article will provide some guidance, Littman & Babiarz Attorneys at Law, workers’ compensation lawyers in Syracuse, Auburn, Ithaca and Elmira, …

personal injury attorneys in Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca and Elmira

Personal Injury Cases Increase With the Rise of Outdoor Activity

Lisa BabiarzNews

As more of us are enjoying the outdoors during the warm summer months, the risks of personal injuries typically increase. Professions with heightened outdoor responsibilities usually experience more accidents and injuries.Those who administer and maintain recreational places sometimes take too many shortcuts and their negligence can endanger innocent pleasure seekers. Heightened  outdoor activity can take the following forms: Construction work …

The Workers Compensation Attorney’s Role in the Compensation Claims Process

The Workers Compensation Attorney’s Role in the Compensation Claims Process

Lisa BabiarzNews

If you live in Central New York and have recently suffered an injury or illness due to an accident at your workplace or because of the negligence of your employer, you may have many questions: What kind of benefits can I receive? Do I need a lawyer to represent me? What can a lawyer do for me? You are entitled …