workers compensation attorneys in Central NY

What are My Rights under New York Workers Compensation Laws?

Lisa BabiarzNews, Personal Injury & Workers Compensation

Virtually every employer in the state of New York is required to provide workers compensation insurance for all employees. This includes family members, part- and full-time workers, and leased employees. Workers compensation is insurance that provides cash benefits and/or medical care for workers who are injured or become ill as a direct result of their job. Littman and Babiarz are …

personal injury attorney in ithaca

Why You Should Seek Legal Advice for Your On-the-Job Injury

Lisa BabiarzNews

When an injury at work occurs, many people shy away from contacting workers compensation lawyers in central New York. Your employer has workers compensation insurance to cover such occurrences, so you may assume an attorney is not necessary. You may choose to trust the system with your treatment, recovery, overall health and livelihood. This can prove to be a serious …

workers compensation attorneys in ithaca, auburn, syracuse and elmira

Workers Compensation After an Injury at Work

Lisa BabiarzNews

The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that in 2015 there were approximately 2.9 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses reported. These reports came from private industry employers. Thankfully, this reflects a trend of declining rates of injuries and illness at work over the past 13 years, with 2012 the only year with a slight increase. However, if you are one …

Littman & Babiarz Law Offices in Ithaca

NSW government has made little progress in helping injured workers return to work

Lisa BabiarzNews

After driving trucks for 30 years, Dwayne Hayes injured his back but eventually found another job that involved running his own business and organising deliveries. But when he called his WorkCover insurance case manager, he said proposal was rejected because the insurer could not monitor his earnings if he ran his own business. That was in 2009 and Mr Hayes, …