Littman & Babiarz Personal Injury Lawyers in Ithaca, Auburn, Binghamton and Syracuse

The Fall Season See’s an Increase the Risk of Personal Injuries

Lisa BabiarzNews

Autumn has arrived across The Empire State, and that means cooler temperatures, increasing amounts of moisture, and a higher risk of personal injuries. Fall not only means rain and early snow, but early morning dew that can persist in shady areas even until midday. While you enjoy the beautiful colors of autumn leaves and the cooler temperatures, be sure to watch out for potentially dangerous areas.

Littman & Babiarz, personal injury attorneys in Ithaca and Auburn, New York, remind you that falling temperatures increase the risk of personal injuries. If you incur a personal injury that you believe is the result of the negligence of another person or entity, call us at 607-277-7527 for a free initial consultationERISA Law Firm in Ithaca, Auburn and Syracuse NY to discuss your possible personal injury claim.

Common Autumn Personal Injuries

Fall is still a busy time for people to be outdoors, and increasingly so as the holiday shopping season approaches. Here are some common personal injury accidents we see during this season of the year.

Slip and Fall Accidents

Slippery surfaces caused by residual dew, rain, and snow are prime locations for slip and fall accidents. It is also easy to forget that wet surfaces take longer to dry during cooler temperatures. An overnight rain, a heavy dew, or even a mopped floor will take significantly longer to dry than in warmer temperatures. Falling leaves at this time of year can also pose a fall risk, especially when they are wet.

Businesses and other locations open to the public have a responsibility to protect customers and visitors by keeping all walking surfaces and thoroughfares clean and dry, and free from obstacles like wet leaves. This responsibility also extends to warning the public about wet and potentially slippery surfaces. Littman & Babiarz, personal injury attorneys in Ithaca and Auburn, New York, can advise you about your options.

If you slip and fall, incurring a personal injury, because of a slippery surface in a public place, the store owner, property owner, or manager could be liable for your injuries. If proper care was not taken, or visible signage was not employed to warn the public, you could recover financial compensation for your medical expenses and other losses through a personal injury lawsuit.

Car/Truck/Motorcycle Accidents

Increasingly wet weather also means a higher risk for motor vehicle accidents. This includes cars, trucks, commercial trucks, motorcycles, and even bicycles. Moreover, falling leaves that accumulate on roadways and become wet also post a significant driving hazard that drivers often forget. With all the safety features on modern vehicles, drivers tend to forget that slippery surfaces still pose a threat.

If you were injured in a car, truck, motorcycle, or commercial truck accident and you suspect negligent driving in adverse weather or driving conditions may have been a factor, you need to call Littman & Babiarz, personal injury attorneys in Ithaca and Auburn, New York, right away. We will review your possible personal injury claim for free and advise you of your legal options.

Fire Accidents

Fall and cooler temperatures also means more bonfires, fire pits, and campfires as friends and family enjoy smores and cool weather fun. This means a higher risk of accidental burn injuries. Public entities and private citizens are both equally responsible to follow all laws regarding lighting fires at certain times of the year. Moreover, both are also responsible to take the proper precautions to keep people and property safe.

In the event of a burn accident at a bonfire, neighborhood gathering around a fire pit, or campfire, Littman & Babiarz, personal injury attorneys in Ithaca and Auburn, New York, can investigate the circumstances of the incident to determine if any negligence was involved. If so, you may be eligible to recover compensation for your losses through a personal injury claim.

Law Offices in Ithaca

Littman & Babiarz, Personal Injury Attorneys in Ithaca and Auburn, New York

When you or a loved one suffers a personal injury through an accident, you need seasoned and experienced legal counsel and representation to protect your rights. Littman & Babiarz, personal injury attorneys in Ithaca and Auburn, New York, are here to provide you the legal help you need. Call or contact us online to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss the particulars of your possible personal injury claim.