Why You Need an Employment Lawyer

Gene KirzhnerPersonal Injury & Workers Compensation

Employment law encompasses the rights, responsibilities, and obligations within the relationship between employers and employees. It covers issues like wrongful termination, wages, and workplace safety. What does an employment lawyer do? Employment lawyers specialize in representation. They represent either the employee or the employer, but not both parties. They assist unions or employees in filing lawsuits against their employers. They …

The Trauma of Whiplash from a Car Accident

Gene KirzhnerPersonal Injury & Workers Compensation

You’re stopped at a red light, patiently waiting your turn. Without warning, a car smashes you from behind. You hear the sickening sound of metal crunching. Then you reach for your neck. There’s an instant surge of pain. The impact of the collision caused your neck to recoil in a way nature did not intend, jolting it back and forth …

What Does a Workers Compensation Lawyer do?

Gene KirzhnerPersonal Injury & Workers Compensation

If you are an employee, you have heard of many cases of workplace-related injuries. These accidents range from a broken arm to a fall resulting in a back injury or lifting heavy boxes ending in injury, among many other injuries. Workers’ compensation lawyers help workers who have suffered injuries at their workplace recover compensation. The compensation is usually for medical …

What Does a Truck Accident Lawyer Do?

Gene KirzhnerPersonal Injury & Workers Compensation

While trucks are typically the vehicles that transport goods to various places throughout the world, they do pose a significant threat on the road to other cars. As a result, trucks injure many people every year. So, it’s essential to know what happens in the aftermath of a truck accident. In addition, it may be helpful to have an experienced …

What can a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer do for me Today?

Gene KirzhnerPersonal Injury & Workers Compensation

Motorcycles. They’re a timeworn element of the American road, featured in films such as Rebel Without a Cause and classic shows such as Happy Days, and celebrated each year at biker rallies across the United States. However, they’ve also got their detractors, people who aren’t fans of the noise and excitement that motorcycles generate. And one thing’s for certain – …