employment law firm in Geneva New York

Can On-the-Job Stress be Claimed under Workers Compensation

Lisa BabiarzNews

Stress is a growing health concern among the adult population, and work-related stress is a common workplace complaint. A growing question faced by workers compensation lawyers in Central New York is, “Can on-the-job stress be claimed under Workers Compensation laws in the State of New York?” The experienced attorneys at Littman & Babiarz know the answer is not as simple …

workers compensation attorneys in Central NY

What are My Rights under New York Workers Compensation Laws?

Lisa BabiarzNews, Personal Injury & Workers Compensation

Virtually every employer in the state of New York is required to provide workers compensation insurance for all employees. This includes family members, part- and full-time workers, and leased employees. Workers compensation is insurance that provides cash benefits and/or medical care for workers who are injured or become ill as a direct result of their job. Littman and Babiarz are …